My phone rang again, it was Ekene. "Where you dey na he quized," and i replied in a grim voice "I'm coming." This was one of those cold harmattan evenings in Enugu that not even a good sweater could sheild the cold. "Hurry Up na, time dey go and i wan enter house fast." I got to the junction at New layout and he wasn't there. So i came all this way to waste my time abi? Make this mofo nor try me i said in my mind. I assumed he had waited for my skinny young bum to show up and when he couldn't wait any longer left.
My phone ranga again, I had put it in silent to prevent him from identifying me so easily as i stood at the junction. It rang again, i had no option than to pick the call, this idiot who was probably hiding somewhere will spot me from afar and size me up before we meet shebi? I hated people not appearing at meeting points at the appointed time; "I'm there now, where are you" i muffled angrily into the phone. "okay na you wear that brown short Knicker and bowler hat" he quizzed. I was too angry to answer but heard my annoyed being saying "Yes" then the vagabond replied with "okay wait, i go buy pork i dey come." Now i was in for it...
You see i had met Ekene on one of the social media app as i came to spend time with my uncle living in Enugu, since Onitsha was becoming too boring. As a sharo boy i had already hooked up with 2 guys in my 3 weeks stay here but the arrival of my cousin, my uncles daughter, who was always a nuisance in the flat ruined my chances of getting privacy and sneaking in fresh meat to have a good time. Ekene looked good from the pictures he shared, he looked particularly hunky, darksinned and the fact that he was from Anambara like me gave me that confidence that he wasn't going to scam me. I was however dissapointed at the uncouth nature he spoke when we began talking over the phone and how dishevelled he looked when we met that night. He told me he was learning how to repair generators, and thouhgh he appeared to be not more than 25, he looked 30. One fact i couldn't deny though was that he was good looking, and had some money to spend.
He walked to me as i held the jerry can and peered into his well cut face. We began talking and he offered me pork, which i disliked and declined. Although uncouth and rough, dude was a sweet talker and got me laughing over his thick accent and crazy gist of what happened between a husband and wife in his compund that morning. Then we entered sex matters and he opened up claiming it was his "oga" that made him "do it" the first time and he eventually liked the act. We talked and talked that i forgot that i had strolled out to go buy kerosene for the stove so that my auntie could warm the soup and boil water for garri, for dinner. 30 Minutes later i was on my knees inside a class room in one of the primary schools in the area giving Ekene mad head. Yes! I agree i was a whore! He eventually wanted to penetrate, but for where? The pain i knew would come since there was no lube made me have the sense to say no! We just fondled and i left him there with his trouser at his ankle, when i saw 3 missed calls from Uncle Chuks, resetting my brain as to what the jerry can i was with was meant for. He was begging that i stay to jerk him off, but nwanne, i ran as fast as my leg could carry me, because only the sharp tongue of my aunt Jemima can kill Lazarus in purgatory even before he resurrected.
I arrived home to a barrage of nonsense talk and accusations i was now fooling around with "Enugu Girls" but deep inside i was laughing and saying "if only they knew." Ekene called me that night and cursed me out saying i did not love him, and couldn't even wait for him to cum! "lekewnum akuko" i send am message? He eventually did apologise and wanted us to see again, but there was no chance, my cousin was always on my case and i suspect she smelt my sexuality but just didn't have any proof to affirm it!
Slambro · 490 weeks ago