This is one scary shit! This past Friday the 7th of August a group of boys, predominantly homosexuals where having fun at their friends birthday party which was being held at the Annabeth’s Hotels & Club along first artillery road in Port Harcourt.
As the night wore on, the boys began dancing and celebrating the birthday in a bubbly spirit when suddenly strange faces, believed to be rogues started appearing among the celebrants. These thugs where believed to have been called in by homophobic hotel staff who suspected the party goers were homosexuals, based on their dance moves!
Before the boys could say jack, they were descended on, stripped, dragged about, robbed and beaten blue black by these thugs. some boys broke bones as they tried to jump from several stories above the ground were the party was being held. Those hiding within the building were dragged out and beaten mercilessly and threatened with the 14-year [prison sentence of the] anti-gay law whilst they were robbed of cash and other valuables. The hotel gate was locked to prevent anyone from escaping and even the boss on duty, a lady, did nothing to stop the abuse!
Nigeria is really a foul place for the average gay man! How come human rights are not protected at the least! This is so unfair!