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Sunday, 30 August 2015

The Nigerian Gay Stereotype...

Nigeria my lovely country.......where we think in one direction......
Where every girly guy is gay
Where girly guys are btm
where it a duty of a top to take the btm out
Where only btm guys visit top guys
Where every guy with a huge preek is automatically a top
where every guy see a gay group as a place to preach
Where every older guy don't do the visiting 
Where I wanna f_ck you is said more often than I love you
Where sex is free and attitude is high
Where every guy you give tf is a prostitute
Pls change ooooo chai dia is God ooooo

Sent in via my email by Shakitibobo.

*I don't think this is peculiar to the Nigerian community. Almost the same scenario plays out here in London.