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Thursday, 10 September 2015

When to Suspect You Have HIV...

You recently had unprotected sex? Maybe you were using a condom but going so hard the condom broke? or was it that the guy look some sort of way that despite using protection you are still not sure of your status? Well calm down, read through lets learn.

     How do you know for sure you have HIV... Yes! by testing. It is the only sure way, but... There are signs one notices in the first few weeks of infection, that starts pointing towards a possible case of HIV. There are several of these signs, that you could miss them easily because they appear just like flu or malaria symptoms. 

  The major symptom to look out for is lymph node swelling. Check your thighs (in your grion area), inside your armpit, under your chin, or behind your ears... See any swellings? It may just be HIV or not. Extensive swelling in these areas is usually an indication of HIV infection. However, any new infection in the body causes the lymph nodes which are locted in these areas, that helps the body fight diseases, to get swollen. Just note that when there is extensive lymph node swelling in these areas, HIV is most likely the culprit, however not in all cases. 

   Do you sweat heavily at night despite a fan or air condioner? It is called night sweats and is yet another sign of early HIV infection. Something also worth looking out for are general body weakness, tiredness, fatigue, feeling wasted and having unexplained rashes all over the body. These are not sure signs tho... Just get tested if you suspect you might have been exposed.

   If you think you have been exposed to the HIV Virus within 72 hours, you could rush to hospital for PEP, a procedure that aims at removing the virus from your system before it spreads, we shall discuss that in a later topic. Also you can take Truvada an antiretroviral drug, recommended to reduce the likely hood of getting the virus despite exposure.

Any Doctors in the House??? You can enlighten us in the comment section... xoxo