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Monday, 31 December 2012

The *TRUE STORY* of how it all began.

I don't believe it at times when people say being gay is a habit, i
view it more as an inborn character which some lucky ones like us are
born with. For as far back as i can recall i

have always had a liking for guys and this had nothing to do with
the home i was raised in.
I grew in a middle class Nigerian family, being the last of 3
children, my dad was a civil servant who was regularly on transfer to
different parts of the country. Mum was a the head carterer at one of
the top hotels in Victoria Island. My dad hailed from Anambra state,
whilst mum was Efik, being from Akwa Ibom (Gods own state!). As we all
grew up (my 2 elder sisters and i), had a closer relationship with our
mum 'cos she was always around with us, but dad was always away. We
also had Uncles staying with us then, so no one should try to play the
no father figure card here, as being responsible for my sexuality. We
were pretty well cared for and attend very good schools, around the
satellite town axis, where we stayed (though mine was actually in
Okay enough with my family for now, my first gay experience was
obviously childish sha. I dunno about you but i enjoyed playing all
those Father and Mother role games (i.e we children mimicking our
parents during play). It was fun, though my sisters never joined as
they were always in the room they shared either reading thier "mills
and boons" or listening to some song by Celine Doin.
I should be around eleven, back then. So a way of conquering my
boredome, i usually went upstairs to our neighbours flat, who we were
in good terms with, to play. I remember, we, were not allowed to play
outside back then though, so all the games, running and screaming with
my neigihbours kids were done indoors. One articular weekend i went
over for my usual saturday hang out with my friends in the next flat,
for they were my agemates, It so happened that as we were playing this
"mama n papa games", innocent minded me, opted to play the mama role.
As the game proceeded with normal family related chores and stuff,
this our neighbours son 'Ola' who was about 14 then, and incidentally
playing as the 'papa' would not allow me the 'mama' be. He kept
pestering me, for us to do what mama and papa did whenever his 2
younger brothers playing the children went out of the room say to
perform mock errands we the 'role acting parents' sent them for. After
much persuation, and obviously due to curiosity, my naiive mind
allowed Ola to do this thing, he claimed the parents, did in secrecy.

I just lay there with my back on the bed and with my leg open,
though still fully clothed, whilst Ola climbed atop me, also dressed,
gyrating forward and backwards and kissing me here and there. I
offered a feeble resistance as i was enjoying it too. Infact we both
had erections with our semi-mini dicks oh! Hmmm! That day, we kept
sending our 'mock children' on endless errands; go and buy this, go
and cook beans etc.
My dear readers, the escapades slowly graduated oh! Infact i
continually played the pre said 'Mama role' from that day oh. Slowly,
masturbation came into the scene, he would lure me to the bathroom, in
pretence that he was washing it and that i was helping out, and we
would masturbate and smooch (though i never cummed then sha).
Then one day luck ran out on us, we were up to our "no good bathroom
enjoyment", whilst his mum was watching some movie on TV, when one of
his aunts, who had come for GCE exams, caught us. Apparently one of
his sibblings had reported that Ola and I had been washing the toilet
for hours and he wanted to poo.

As she pushed the door open (we as children were barred from locking
the door, while we were in the toilet/bathroom, but none of his 2
sibblings had the courage to open it 'cos he was much older and
commanded thier respect). . . She just stared, transfixed for a minute
or two then she dragged us by the ear to the guest room where she
stayed, without a fuss, both of us semi nude. I still respect what
that 'sister' did that day, she disciplined us sternly without even
allowing Olas mum who was in the parlour, know what was happening!
That day ehen, she knocked our heads till i felt as if i were growing